In bushes and forests it is a typical way of covering up the geocache with branches and crust, this hide is one of those.
The geocache uncovered. |
In the Netherlands it is common to have series with a bonus container at the end. You need to find all or some of the containers and they will contain some bonus information which you need to note and when you have all needed information you can figure out the coordinates of the bonus cache. This geocache is part of such a serie, but what happened when we were doing the others this one was muggled for the nth time, so missing, it had one number needed to get the bonus coordinates, so what we did was checking on the map all the possible (10) coordinates and there were only a few that was not overlapping with any other geocaches in the area and only one that was not under water (in the lake). Based on the terrain level not too high the only one we had to check was close to the last geocache from the serie (also a hint), so we found that as well.
Another petling, a different shape and size. |
As we were trying to make the area full with smilies this one had to be found, we checked the logs and the CO just moved it to a better area, where less muggles would go.
Covered with crust |
When we started playing I remember one of the first geocaches we found was covered similar way, since then when I see a few pieces of crust or branches I always check, nature never puts them together in such ways, even if the CO did put it like it was natural, after a few geocachers it will be more like man made pile.
The entrance to the bush where the geocache is hiding. |
This is the entrance to the bush, here in the Netherlands I would give a few more finds which will occur in a month or less and the next geocachers will have a clear path to the geocache. When we are kind of clueless we check how frequently a geocache was found and if it was often then we know there will be footprints to help us, the bush over time will form a gate where to enter.
The path along the bushes |
That is Nesselande in the background, a part of Rotterdam with a beach and a good ice cream place as well.It was on a sunny day, most people outside, and still not a single muggle on this path, that helped a lot.
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