Geocache: Nano in the grass

oh, uh, ah ... grass, and a green nano in between, already sounds a bit complicated to find, right? Not this time we found this within a minute, but the reason was only luck.

That's all the geocache
The first of these hides I found was also in an urban area somewhere in Hungary, that was on some electricity pole, and a lot easier to spot, but as the grass was recently cut around here it was an easy. We went out to find another one just to get a quick park and grab, but that was missing in action. The luck we with that first try is that it was next to a store which we did not think might be open, but was, so we could at least do some quick shopping before driving to this geocache.

With the grass cut it is easy to find
As we were on the way to park at the given parking place the rain started, not to bad, but still it was sprinkling. Then we reach a roundabout where we needed to turn right, guess what, the only exit closed, as we knew the neighborhood a bit we decided to try another way, of course that was also closed, so we were trying to get as close as we could and then got disoriented so ended up parking just at a shopping center and let's walk. Of course we started walking to the geocache which showed up not too far, within 300 meters, and as we walked it started to get further.... wait a second, it is now on the other side of the metro line? yes yes yes, ok let's go that way, and try to go over the metro line somewhere. This was the point when I realized this is the final stop for that metro line I never took.

This is how you would see as a muggle
As we were closing on the geocache of course the metro had to pull in and out, so we had to go slowly to let it pass. We used this few seconds to read the hint and to do a quick check on the size defined for the geocache quickly.

Not too busy at this time of the day and in the rain
Taking the few pictures as seen above and let's go back to the car. The rain was kind enough not to get me too wet, but as we were walking back to the car and trying to log the find I just ran into a bush, not too bad only a bigger branch hanging out, but that made the trick, I was wet :)

One more smiley on the map, many thanks to the CO for this hide. If you wonder how this geocache stays in the same spot, it was put into a tiny piece of a plastic pipe in the ground so you had the place to put it back to. Recently I started using those plastic pipes in many of my geocaches just to make sure geocachers do not try to hide it any better or worse.


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