I drive a lot, that is for sure. After a while you get so used to drive that you only stop for a few reasons but it is best if you stop more frequently, one way of geocaching helping drivers like me is to pick a few geocaches along the route you go and stop at them, of course you can combine the stops with needs like food, fuel, etc.
Half way out of its hiding place |
In Hungary most stops on the highways have a geocache, it was a combined effort of multiple players, but I'm sure it give people lots of fun. As you can see above some geocachers went an extra step of hiding their petlings a bit more sophisticated. Just by adding a cap and pushing it into the bench it already more fun then just puting it on a safety rail with a magnet.
The bench with the geocache in its place. |
There are some places where finding the geocache is not too hard, but picking it could be challenging when it is buy. Lucky for me on a weekday in the beginning of the summer there are not many muggles stopping at these resting areas and if they do they do not sit outside the car, they either go to the restrooms or fill up the car or get a coffee.
A closer picture of the container with my latest geocaching pen. |
This geocache had a long logbook and many finds regiestered, I'm sure it will stay in its place for a long time as the way it is hidden is perfect against muggles. I need to find similar caps to create such hide myself.
Muggle-free zone today |
Most geocachers including myself have no time to do too much visits to the sites to put our geocaches. It would be great if we could go and watch the hiding place for a longer period to see how busy it is, at what time of the days, in which season. Be honest, can you afford visiting your hiding place multiple times before placing your geocache? You could be so unlucky like myself that you pick a location looks deserted, and the truth is that you placed in that one hour during the whole year when there was not a single person in the area, then you set the difficulty to 1.5 and you'll get all funny comments from geocachers finding that they had to do this and that to sign it without being noticed.
This stop was a good one on the way from Pécs to the Netherlands, we picked up some drinks then I signed and we were back on the road. I left many more on this same highway to collect later as I'm using this route as many times a year I can. Thanks for the cache :)
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