Animals: Lucanus cervus

Lucanus cervus

Lucanus cervus (male)

Seen in: Regenye, Baranya County, Hungary

Danger: Not really any

More info: The one on the pictures is a male, which is bigger than the female and has those big antlers which are actually part of its chewing organs. It is a protected animal in Hungary.

For detailed info visit wikipedia for Hungarianfor English.

Lucanus cervus (male)
How did we meet:
We are searching for roadside crosses in Baranya. First we picked a few geocaches hidden by others, then we decided it is time to hide some more, so let's get off the main road and visit a few smaller villages, they might have some crosses around. The we saw a tower as we were driving across Regenye and decided that building deserves a geocache, and we were looking for hiding places when my daughter spotted this beutiful create. We quickly took a few pictures before continuing the hide.
I recall them being around when I was a little boy, and did not see any more for a long time.


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