Let me see, what did I have this morning. Was it a hide at a high voltage location or a high stress? It all started when I decided to fill up the 366 days find matrix. I still have a lots of missing dates there, but if I do not try it will never be filled. I had to travel for my work and the day of the travel was missing, so I told my colleague that we need to stop along the highway to find a geocache. He used to geocache with me before so he was into it, he even convinced me to stop at more geocaches. Two out of three was that day, so that was fun.
The geocache in the grass under some construction ... |
If you look at the hide above it does not look any like stress or high voltage at all. What caused the stress then?
The week passed by and did not have much time to find more geocaches but that was ok, I only had today missing, so I was looking at the map, two candidates in reach. One along the highway and one in the neighboring village, looking at the possibilities if I pick the one in the village which is a bit closer than the other and I cannot find then the other one is really far on the other side of the highway, need to go all around, that would be more than 30 minutes drive.
The high voltage |
As you see above, the high voltage was the construction, it is not always fun to tap around these, but when you are motivated it won't stop you. Nice morning, not too warm not cold at all. I still had the stress I am limited on time to be back for breakfast and then work. Search, search, parking is full with muggles, I was using my tablet so I acted like I need to do some check on the construction tapping my tablet like I register things... Okay, most muggles were sleeping deep in their cars...
The stress |
So there you go, the geocache had an assigned army of wasps assigned, now that could be painful if they attack, lucky for me they did not care much.
Some more of them... |
If one family of guards is not enough there was another one. I had not many options I needed the find for today so I searched and then found, logged, back to the car and back to the hotel for breakfast ... and post a blogpost on this busy morning. As I still had some time I was thinking, maybe I could just get the other one as well on the way back to the hotel. While driving through the village I saw that most of the people were out, heading somewhere, it looked like a geocacher's nightmare, more muggles than leaves on a tree ... I had no choice skip the second.
The good news is that I spotted the places to put my next hides to give some good spots to shoot some pictures for geocachers. Be patient I'll prepare some cool containers for them.
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