There are so many different implementations of tree branches to camouflage the geocache, this is another one of them.
A hole with a petling glued in. |
Simple but efficient hiding technic here, there is a pole next to a tree which is on the bench of some water so it looks like part of the structure to keep the bench from falling in. A smaller branch is screwed to the pole and that small branch has a hole where a petling fits perfectly and also glued in there only the cap is visible. Now you turn it downwards so anyone not looking won't spot it. Great work, nice hide.
With the cap on the petling. |
It is really a cool way of hiding, I'll try to reproduce, just need to figure out how to drill such a long hole for the petling, might not have the tool to do so.
This is what you see when you first look at the location. |
In the Netherlands, in places where not many kids are coming by and mostly just cycling area or walking it is not so hard to hid geocaches as people are not muggling them often. We really enjoy these series of geocaches along walking and cycling pathes, as soon as the sun is out it is almost sure you will come across some other geocachers. It is always a good reason to carry some of your trackables so others can discover.
Sunny day... |
As the sun was up high and the wind was turned off, it was perfect to cycle along all those waters, see all those nice plants, and many animals.
All those blues and greens ... |
The colors around us was just bright, sometimes while cycling in such weather you do not realize how far you went, and you do not have an option but cycle back to the car, that can be harder :) but as long as no wind it is all fine.
Could not convince the cows to stand up for the picture. |
In the Netherlands anywhere you go one thing is always easy to see from spring to the end of autumn... cows. Thanks to them there are so many good, tasty cheese available. They are so used to all the humans cycling around they do not even turn their head to check what you do there. The only time you see them looking at any humans is when their owner should arrive as they are full and ready for milking.
Thanks for the CO for this great hide.
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