There is an unlimeted number of ways to hide a geocache and also to hide it in a branch of a tree. Some of them are more challenging than the others, check this out below.
Just like there is a cut tree there. |
The bigger the branch used the bigger the container could be, not really in this case, it was not a pill capsule or a petling, but still a micro sized container.
With the cap on top |
When it has the cap on the top of the branch it is really not one that stands out of the croud in its environment. As the hide is in between some bigger and smaller trees and the GPS was jumping around we had no choice but look everywhere. We arrived while the sun was still up high so it was not to hard to cover a bigger area. You could see many geocachers do the same as all the area was clean of fallen brances and you could see their footprints all over the place.
Just a few steps away and the hide is hard to spot. |
This is a lower difficulty level hide, but still I would not recommend this to be your fisrt try, or at least go with some who is more experienced and saw many different hides. Or just keep on reading my blog or looking at my pictures, that is what we did when we started, we went online and searched for sites showing different tricky and trivial hides. As you can already see how many of these hides we found I can include this into a typical hide category.
Here are some earlier posts with branches:
I'm hoping to find more and more of the branches and more and more ideas on how to use a simple brnach to make a geocache, if you have one in your blog please feel free to share it in the comments below.
A few more steps and it looks like there is nothing. |
When you are looking for hiding places you always need to think with the regular muggle head, what would they spot, where would they wander, what would make them curious?
Hiding in a bush is one of the hides I did not really like for a long time, especially when a nano is hanging in there somewhere. But hiding in such place a bigger container is always fun to find.
Finding a good hiding spot sometimes comes with extras for the geocachers, here are some pictures from the neighborhood.
What is this interesting for? |
If you carefully look at the above picture you will see it is a multiple lane highway. One lane for pedestrians on the right, one for bicycles in the middle and one for horses on the left. Isn't that cool?
A bridge? |
If you walk around after finding this geocache (and another one close by) you can see great bridges leading to islands on the lake, you can spot small and bigger fishes in the lake and also see some nice flowers.
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