Sunny afternoon, usual busy day at work, let's get outside. It is not so hot as the previous days, so it's time to find a few geocaches which are just there, but not many in the area.
A happy tennis ball. |
When it comes to more creative geocaches they allways give more pleasure, but they are mostly placed one by one and not on trails or series. The was next to a closeby lake, but on the other side we had to drive 15 minutes to get to the parking, and all we could find in that area was two, but both of them was a good hide.
Let me eat that pill capsule. |
It can still be a micro container and have fun finding it. This hiding technic gets on the list of I want to create one of these myself. I'm not sure if it is fortunate or unfortunate but where we live there are so many geocaches in the area that it is close to impossible to hide more, so any ideas I duplicate will be far from where I find them.
A picture from below while it is hiding. |
Under a small wooden bridge there was this small box, at least looked like a box from the side, but if you look into it from the bottom it is the hiding place. The tennis ball has some metal attached to it and there is a magent in the wooden box that is holding the ball up in its place. Nice idea.
That is what a muggle would see if he would go under to see it. |
The place this geocache is hiding is well hidden from muggles, there are hundreds of muggles walking across this tiny bridge every day and none will bother looking under. But wait a second, is this all this geocache has to offer? Let's look around, was it placed here just to have one more on the map? Check out the following pictures.
The footpath leading away from the tiny bridge. |
As you can see the plants are not cut, they just grow as high as they want here, do not forget we are a few steps away from Rotterdam, a busy city in the Netherlands. This geocache is places in an area where people can come walk for a few minutes or hours, or walk their dogs.
A part of the lakes. |
There are more lakes, but all connected here, this areas is created so the wildlife has a better chance to survive. You can see so many different birds and also many plants here, just walk around, or cycle.
A bit creepy... |
See those big dried out woods there in the middle of that pond? Lots of birds move in that area, it is a high value property for them, safe from humans, dogs, or anything that could disturb them.
Many thanks goes to the CO for this hide and of course I gave a FAVO to show appreciation.
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