In some countries it is not allowed to hide geocaches under, in or around bridges. Lucky for us in the Netherlands it is ok to have geocaches all around these places. Close to where we live there are long series of geocaches with a bonus cache after you collect bonus codes from them and they are all around different bridges. Most of them are small brdiges just over some water that is separating different lands. This cache was placed next to a bridge over the A20 highway.
The geocache taken out of its hiding place. |
This location we are driving by daily; especially when the warmer days come to the Netherlands. This road leads to my wife's favourite icecream place at Nesseland.
The difficulty of this hide was low, terrain as well, it was not a problem to find it quickly. As you can see it was hiding in a pole of a traffic sign under a cap, for a muggle it would look just like a cap at the end of the pipe, nicely done.
Almost in its place. |
From time to time people ask me to show the container also when it is not fully in its place so they can better picture the way it is hidden. When it is hiding all you would see is the cap, fitting perfectly into the pipe. The benefits of hiding in pipes, poles is that you can use any color petlings (PET preforms). I have some super bright, orange petlings which I cannot just put out in plain view.
Hiding in there. |
Most people passes by in a car or on a bicycle over this bridge, who would spot the geocache there, we were guessing for a while where it could be, but no parking on the bridge so we had to stop a bit further and walk back to find and log it.
Not much traffic a few hours after working hours. |
Just so you see the A20 from above I added a picture with the view.
A filling station on the A20 |
If you walk a bit further you can see the filling station on the A20 from here. From spring till the cold weathers come you can also see lots of sheeps eating the grass along the highways in the Netherlands, a few days here then on the next block.
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