Geocache: High voltage or stress

Let me see, what did I have this morning. Was it a hide at a high voltage location or a high stress? It all started when I decided to fill up the 366 days find matrix. I still have a lots of missing dates there, but if I do not try it will never be filled. I had to travel for my work and the day of the travel was missing, so I told my colleague that we need to stop along the highway to find a geocache. He used to geocache with me before so he was into it, he even convinced me to stop at more geocaches. Two out of three was that day, so that was fun. The geocache in the grass under some construction ... If you look at the hide above it does not look any like stress or high voltage at all. What caused the stress then? The week passed by and did not have much time to find more geocaches but that was ok, I only had today missing, so I was looking at the map, two candidates in reach. One along the highway and one in the neighboring village, looking at the possibilities if I pick the...