You only start to realize how many safety rails are out there when you start searching for the geocaches hidden on them. Most of them should have an attribute stating not kids friendly. Safety rails are placed along the roads most of the time to protect cars from falling over into some dangerous area, and that already points out two issues that are not helping when you are geocaching with kids. The first is where you have safety rails you will have traffic, just read the logs on hides like that, they will all say too much traffic, etc. The second, there is a reason why the safety rails are there and mostly some danger, like deep ditch, water or a place you can fall into, and none of them is the best to have the kids close by.
Pill box with a magnet held on to a safety rail |
Lucky for the geocaching community most if not all safety rails can hold a magnet strong enough to keep the geocache in place for a long time. The only thing I would point out is that if you make such a hide be sure to have the magnet covered waterproof. I learned it the hard way, I made a hide, a small piece of duct tape over the magnet, and the water from the rain just got behind the tape, and the magnet I used started to rust, after a year half of the magnet went missing as rain kept on working on it. Nowadays I use heat shrinking tubes to keep the magnet in place and the water out.
The ditch the safety rail was guarding. |
As you can see you could fall in between those rocks and the water as well. The good news the water is even drinkable. How do I know it? If you see frogs in a water, a well, a spring you could drink the water. Ok, if I want to be more precise they have to be happy and alive, dead frogs are no good news. So that small water had many many frogs in it, which is good for us.
A closer picture on the water, it goes underground... |
I stopped at this geocache when the sun was already on the way to set, and traffic I would consider light in the area, and still while I searched, logged, hide and took the pictures at least 30+ cars passed me, while me standing on the road side of the safety rail, so I did not feel to safe there.
The sun is already setting... |
I took the above picture so that you can see how many different safety rails are used, I'm sure there were experiments to get them better over time, at some places they have concrete fences as safety rails and you can also see how little they help to hold vehicles back when they hit them.
The sun is on the horizon. |
I'm not a photographer, but I hope I captured the time on this picture. This was the last find for the day as I'm not familiar with the area, and how safe it is to be out after the sun sets. I was also curious what those plantations all around this area.
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