Who said a geocache in an industrial area has to be a boring plastic box? It can hold the geocache but the log could also be in some Matryoshka doll to make it more fun. This we found not far from where we live, and it recently got there.
Matryoshka doll as the log holder |
This is a nice animal set. If you are interested in more of this great Russian doll visit
wikipedia for more information. I remember I saw the first one when I was really young and it was always fun to take them apart and some had even smaller ones in the middle.
The doll in the plastic box |
As these dolls are made out of wood the weather would ruin them really fast so they need to be kept in some plastic box to keep them dry. When we arrived to this geocache the plastic box top cover was half way off and the dolls were not properly packed up, so we fixed that to keep them in good condition for a longer time. As a general hint for all geocachers, you all should treat the geocaches with care and respect the CO for the hide, always leave them behind as you would like to find them, if they are ruined to the point that you cannot do the onsite maintenance log this information for the CO or explain what is needed to fix the geocache so one of the next geocachers will have a chance to fix it when they find it. Keep in mind this game is for many more to come you are not the last to find it, at least shouldn't be.
The geocache packed up properly, ready to go back hiding. |
Industrial areas like this geocache was hidden in is easier to do after business hours or on weekends, unless you want to wait longer for all muggles to go away, which at some locations could take till the working hours are over.
Hiding amongst bricks |
When I started playing I did not really understand why many COs put into the cache description and even highlighted place the container back as you found it do not try to hide it better, etc. This is a good example that the ones foudn before us did not bother to close the container properly but tried to hid it as hard as possible as there were so many bricks all over the place and they are all around the geocache, however only a row of them around was sufficient to hide from muggles and keep it a 1.5 difficulty.
The hiding place from a distance |
As you can see from a few steps back you cannot spot the geocache at all, and still it is a simple hide for any geocachers who found a few already, and also for beginners.
Some fresh geocachers asked me before how to start and how to get new players on board for the game and my main hints were and are always:
- go for low difficulty up to 2
- go for low terrain up to 2
- and go for bigger containers starting from the small and skip others as the first few finds
- try to go with some more experienced geocachers for the first search and listen to their nighmare stories about hard to find hides and nano
For sure this geocaches meets all above criteria, even good for kids, and got a FAVO from me for the lovely hide. I got some FAVO on my geocaches and there used to be one which many geocachers found really fun and nice, it was a simple petling but with a nice and real looking spider on top, and after a while I stopped receiving FAVOs and good comments on it and when I went to do maintenance the spider was gone, the original log roll also gone, that is so disappointing. I'm searching for a similar spider to replace the cap with a new spider, but it is so hard to find the correct size, shape, color for the location.
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