I looked this geocache up a lot before I went to Memphis. It is an ammo box hidden at a place which from above had already something to offer, so I could not go home without finding this.
Ammo box in the fireplace |
I arrived at the location with high hopes, and an easy find. At the end it was easy to find but gave me some headache. I'm personally not a big fan of front or backyard geocaches, especially in the USA, where people might have weapons, so trespassing is not a thing you really want to do. When checking out online the geocache I was hoping to have it somewhere on one of the tanks or other objects, but not at a fireplace.
The fireplace with the geocache on the right bottom |
I was walking or rather wandering around the area, hoping that my GPS is not pointing at the right place, I was considering leaving when I looked at all the pictures available and one with a little kid in the place made me feel secure enough to go and search. When I found (to be honest it was not too hard, just look at the pictures above) I tried to open as silently as I could, and guess what? It opened with such a noise and I also let the top fall and that hit the ground with a huge noise again. There goes the stealth of mine.
The house and the fireplace behind it |
If you look at that house, would you have just stepped in the backyard and start searching? Do you see the grass? how nicely cut? Till this trip I did not know that there is some law which forces owners to cut it to a given size regularly, and if it grows higher then the limit they get a fine. Now that explains why all houses have their green areas so nicely maintained. Other countries could learn from this.
One of the tanks close to the geocache |
These tanks were the reason why I came to get this geocache, they are visible on the satellite images and I wanted to make some pictures from the sides as well.
The tank from the front |
While making the decision to risk entering the backyard I took many pictures of the tanks and other weapons there. It is a nice place for the kids to check out these deadly vehicles, most probably it is also ok to climb them which I did not do.
On the other side of the road there is a huge cemetery. As I read somewhere it is against the law to do any gaming activity in the neighborhood of them, I have to say during this trip I learned a lot about geocaching in the USA, and also got my finds up almost to a hundred over there.
Some big cannon |
Do you see the geocaching mobile on the corner? As I'm publishing the blogposts randomly you can still figure out in many cases which finds did I have on the same trip if you look at the car seen on multiple posts.
Happy geocaching, and many hides where you go. Thanks for the owner for this hide.
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