How many times do you come across this situation? And how many times do you choose to explain the muggle why are you there? And how many time do you feel like you just have a new geocachers on board?
The geocache hiding with a magnet. |
Sunny day, waiting for the connection flight at Detroit for nine hours, got out of the airport to go and find a geocache or more. Yes you are right as many as I could. I was on foot not many options and I walked till I could barely step more, this one was the last I picked up that day. And the most exciting one as well.
The geocache out on top of its hiding place |
From the previous geocache I had to walk for over twenty minutes and I kept on thinking how many other good spots I see along the way and how much easier to hide here in the USA, so much more place, and then most geocaches are so far apart, so I understand why the so many park and grabs, this is also one of them.
Next to a busy road towards the airport |
I arrived, and so a car parking close to the coordinates, so what are my options, after walking for hours skip the last one or introduce the game to a muggle. I decided I'll introduce to him, but to first get his full attention I started browsing the area like I'm searching for something, I knew it cannot be in the trees, or on the advertisement boards, the coordinates did not point there, after just less than five minutes he started to watch me curiously. I started to worry, what if he calls the police before I explain him what I'm searching for. So I stepped towards him and he looks a bit more worried, me too, now what?
The object hiding the container |
I stepped to his car, window was down, he was parking there for the shade, so I asked him if he ever heard of the game geocaching? Of course not, so I explained that I'm playing that treasure hunting game and it must be close by here I just need to find it. He found the whole idea fun and cool, so I stepped straight to the above object that's where the coordinates pointed at. Took a few second and the container was in my hand, it is a real park and grab type of hide. I showed him, how many others have found it before, that was the point I really saw the relieve of his face.
A sign I do not really like ... |
So I signed the log and put back where it had to be. Took the pictures for this blogpost and then chatted a bit more with the muggle. Explained him I'm from Europe and we had a common ground, I chatted with him for at least 15 minutes about all different things, and told him now I need to get back to the airport and go to the next state, where I already have a few finds but so many more to go. I also showed him the map with the saved geocaches and he was really impressed that so many exists.
The view from the cache |
We said bye and I walked to the bus stop... That's where it started to be interesting. First I waited around one hour not a single bus came by. I decided to give a call to the bus company, the lady on the phone could not tell me anything that made me feel comfortable standing on the sun any longer as my water was all gone some time ago. Then some police drove by, I was hoping they ask why any tourist looking person is at the bus stop, and maybe give me a lift. Not in Detroit, they looked suspiciously at me but drove on. The came about 3 police car to the other side of the road to some house, with all lights and sirens on, then two more, not sure what happened but no shooting. Ok, I decided not to wait more, let me get a taxi... but how? I walked over the many lanes again and got to Subway and asked the lady there for help, she told me, just next door there is a taxi company... I walked out and called their number, in about 20 minutes I was on the way to the airport.
It all sounds fun, but it is not all. While standing on the sun an elderly guy walked by, the cool part was that he looked like a zombie, yes, he walked just like one from the walking dead, and then he stopped turned, like the whole body, I already looked for which way to run in case he wants to taste me, then he said Hi, but just in zombie style, was cool, so I responded: 'Hi, how are ja doing?' He smiled or maybe not, and kept on with his zombie walk towards the middle of the huge parking area and then stopped, and turned back and walk towards me. I thought to myself... a slow zombie, just got that he could eat me, let's hope the taxi arrives before he comes back... I'm alive so you can guess how it went.
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