It is common to hide nanos in busy areas, especially when there are not many places to put the geocache. This geocache is part of a serie which is placed to mark historical monuments in the town.
Hiding under the bench |
The container is nothing new if you have came across some nanos before, but the place it is places makes it a bit harder to find. The bench itself is giving the way to hide, but as there are so many crossing metals here and there it is not a just look under and you found it type of hide. Just to make this photo above it took me some time as the sun was in such a position that it kept on getting in my way.
The nano container |
This serie is well maintained as the nano just had a new logroll in it, and I was the second to sign. As the containers are so small the only problem with these is that the owner need to be ready any time to replace the logroll. I also have some nano hides, and when I'm checking on them and I find the log is half way full I replace it, I never know when a bigger group on a roadtrip stops and wants to sign the log, and there is nothing more dissappointing then a full log where you cannot sing.
The church |
As you can see the geocache was placed well, right next to an older church. When I tried to make a picture of the church something unexpected happened. A car was just driving towards us and then pulled over and asked why do I make the pictures from outside? Do I want to make some from inside as well? Oh yeah, how could you say no? The man pulled over was the one responsible for the church. Just in case you go for this geocache and you are not so lucky let me share some pictures with you from inside.
The organ of the church |
Such a small church in a small town and it has such a big organ in there. We were also told most if not all of the history of the church.
Check the lights... |
You see all the chairs? On every Sunday they are filled with over 250 people. The lights hanging there needs to be cleaned at least once a year, they organize a party and many people come and help in to clean them, not sure when the last cleaning took place but I have to say it was nice and clean.
Another picture of the organ |
If you just think of how much work it was to build such an organ, and all handmade. I do not have any good hearing but soem good music played on any instrument can be fun.
The bible on the podium |
That is a big book on that podium, they read from that one. And that is not the oldest they have.
The bible in the front |
That bible on this picture is over 300 years old, and anyone can go and look at it, read from it if can. It is printed with gothic letters, and clearly visible that it is using the good old technics implemented by Gutenberg. This is one book that should be preserved for the future maybe on where I have a few books prepared myself, search under the Hungarian titles.
An old box |
You can see some paintings, old text on the walls, etc. But while going out I spotted this old box there. I had to take a picture of it.
In case you want to visit the church you can find more information on it on, feel free to contact them, they are really friendly. I'm sure I do not need to tell you how to fidn the GC code for the geocache placed here.
Many thanks for this geocache and all the extra we got from our friendly tour guide.
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