As an animal lover it is always fun to find a geocache that has anything to do with animals. This one was floating in the water just like many other ducks in the area.
A duck just hanging out there. |
I saw the same ducks available in a discount store in Germany, and I also decided next time I stop by and they still have one I'll get one or two for myself as well. I hide in an area where there is a river so this would do a great hide there. I was thinking a lot where to put the container in a duck, and this is a great idea, just a hole on the top and the container plugged in there with some sealing. I have a slightly different idea on how I will do, but later on that.
See the hole on the back of the duck,
that is where the container was hiding. |
As this duck was part of a trail we really enjoyed the whole trail, no two same hiding way seen on the eight geocaches on the trail. I have to say I always respect the cache owners who put such effort into hiding a trail with all different ways. I have a trail myself but there are repeated technics I used, but slowly I try to change them to be all different.
The view in the area. |
This trail is in a newly created recreational area, where earlier cows were eating the grass. In a few months the grass will be green and the trees will start growing as well. As not yet many places for the animals to hide we did not see rabbits or too many birds (besides the duck above and some live ones).
And there comes the metro. |
While doing geocaching in the Netherlands we often have to realize that the place we are at we could see from public transport, in this case from the metro coming from Rotterdam.
As you can see the flowers started to color up the view as well, lucky for you; you do not feel the wind we had in our faces or backs while doing this trail. But as we say some weather won't stop us from going out and doing some geocaching. Now as I write this post we already have all booked to visit Transylvania for some days and do some geocaching there, and we also saw that it is snowing there right not, not even sure what to expect on the roads from the airport to the destination, but for sure I'll document the caches we find there.
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