Every country has its different quick to find cache type. In the Netherlands it is mostly the carpool caches. If you are on the way to some place and you want to get a quick hit, or just need some fun for the day you need to pull off the highways and find a carpool, most of them has a cache.
The hide at a carpool in the bicycle storage. |
What makes the carpool caches easy is mostly the fact that outside the peak hours there is no muggle at the locations, only some cars and bicycles parking, so you can search relaxed. The only problem you might run into if a car is parking on top of the geocache which we had ones, but lucky enough for us it was me parking on the cache.
This find was not the easiest at first look, we searched all around the coordinates, tried to avoid what some dog left behind. The hint in Dutch even for a native speaker was not pointing at anything at all. After a few minutes we decided no other way but touching everything looking into any holes, rainpipes, under any movable objects. Then I found it in the bicycle storage.
Looks innocent and muggle-proof. |
While searching I always look with two eyes, one used to try to look with a geocacher's eye to spot if something is out of its context. In this case the problem was that nothing was out of its place. The other eye is with a muggle, what would they spot and be curious about, those places should not have a geocache.
The good old under a cap of a pipe trick. |
We met this before, but unlike in some other cases it was so perfect that we did not expect it at first. Usually when you see one or two pipes missing the cap or all but one, then you know where to search, but when all of them has it then you don't suspect.
The geocache found ans signed, ready to go back. |
Most geocache finds you can make some nice pictures of the surrounding or animals around or nice plants, flowers. Unfortunately at a carpoolcache the best you might get is a nice car parking. At this carpool the geocache was hiding at the second part of the carpool where trucks were parking, which made me think, for what reason would trucks do carpooling?
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