Geocache: Train in a park

A great dinner and some walk and geocaching, that is what keeps your jet lag far away... At least that is what I was hoping for, but the truth is that none of them helped me on this trip. To look at the brighter side I put many nice smiling faces on the map of Taiwan. The one below was in a park with a train in the middle. As this week on many of the days it was raining that evening as well, but I'm happy to report it is possible to find this geocache even in dark and rain. I think the rain helped some as no muggles were brave enough to hang out in the park in the rain. The train, cannot go far The hint is clear on this geocache, but you need to know a few movies, animation films to understand. One of them was trivial, but the other I had no clue, as the hint was referring to between the two poles, it limited the search area to two smaller part. The geocahce after I signed it. The cache hold in place by a magnet. After a few geocache finds I had the feeling...