Geocache: Under your feet

During my visit to Taiwan I learned some new ways of hiding a geocache. This one was one of them. Many areas seems to be with no place to hide anything, just like this huge park along the Keelung river.

Container under a grid.
The container is hidden under the only grid in sight using a magnet and to make sure geocachers do not let it fall it is also tied to the grid using a fishing line. I took the above picture with the geocache not pushed back fully to its place so it is visible, but as soon as you push it a bit further there is no muggle to spot it. Really nice way of hiding.

Can you see the geocache? You see only my shadow...
For a bit experienced geocacher it was trivial it has to be on that grid. In the morning there were only a few muggles, most of them running by or cycling by, and they did not bother, they saw me as a tourist making pictures of the park. Which is a wide open park, see some pictures of it below.

Not too busy at this time of the day.
Not a single muggle and I did not wait long to make this picture.


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