On a sunny Sunday in Bracknell (UK) I had almost a full day to walk around and to find some geocaches. As I was on foot I decided to clear areas that has multiple in walking distance. This one was located at a lake that has no name, it is not some super big lake or any special, it is just in the middle of an industrial, office area.
A magnetic cache. |
The hide was nothing really special, but something happened to it as it was in two pieces, one on the ground and one stuck to the pole with the magnet. As the contained had a plastic bag to hold the log, it was dry and in good condition. For those who just started playing this game it is a good advice to have repair materials with you all the time, some plastic bags of different sizes, some logbooks, some log rolls, some extra paper in case any of the previous does not fit when the log is full.
As I was walking to the cache, I saw from a distance that there are muggles... the fishing type, actually they fish for fish, and most often they exactly know what you are doing there, they sit around a lot to know that. They were less of my concerns.
A guard around the geocache. |
On the way to the path to get to the lake I met some of these guys, they can be more trouble then the fishermen for sure. I just kept on walking straight they looked at me watched me, but they saw I will not de-tour so they just let me pass by.
The container was hiding behind this one. |
There were many of the above object, I'm not even sure what it is, maybe it holds some safety belts to get people out if they fall into the lake? But as it was trivial it is magnetic, that limited the places where it could be really fast. I did not have internet on my phone so I logged all the caches after I got to get my coffee at a place and they had internet. For my surprise after I logged this and I also mentioned the condition of the cache and that I fixed (which I recommend to you all to do so) I received a message from the cache owner thanking me to maintaining the cache. These cache owners make the game being fun, they watch their geocaches, they read the logs, they take action when needed and they appreciate the players taking care. Let me thank her/him here as well.
Here are some pictures of the lake:
A panorama, I love these, they give a better view. |
Taken from the place where the guards were standing. |
From the cache. |
While walking away. |
I did not walk all around the lake as the next cache was the other way. |
Really not a huge lake, but I would love to have one in my backyard. |
Placing geocaches in urban areas is always hard, but these places make it a lot more fun. Thanks for the hide.
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