Some caches for non native English speakers could be a challenge in an English speaking area, especially when there is a key word in the name of the geocache or in the description that is very helpful. This is what happened with me on this one, I had no clue what is a push-fit pipe, and no internet so could not search for help there. No clue means you need to look into anything that is like a pipe, or anything that is not as it might not be a pipe after all.
In the pipe. |
It was a pipe, but I was looking into all different pipe looking object before I spotted this one about ten meters off the coordinate. Lucky for me the pathway was narrow and fence on both side so made the search area smaller. It still took me at least 15 minutes.
The container. |
When I got the container out I was happy to see a bigger container, not to mention that I found a travel bug in it, which I picked up happily not knowing its mission which later made me find another bigger container where I could leave him behind to continue on its trip to the destination.
I have to say it is always better to do geocaching with internet access that helps you in many ways.
Hiding there next to the fence. |
You can see above that this pipe fits its environment, it looks like a leftover building material, which most muggle would not even see. Some might pick up and take it home for use... haha
The footpath to the cache. |
Not a single living creature came this way, as the geocache description also mentions not sure if this pathway is for any good use, but if I see that it is not filled with the plants it must be or the local authorities take good care of it by cleaning it regularly.
The footpath away from the cache. |
See the geocache on the bottom left corner? This whole geocaching game makes me spot things and identify potential hiding places as I just walk around in areas, and still it took me some time to spot.
Another image of the footpath. |
After another smiley on the map I walked away to find my next one. I had a short way too, but I decided to go through a small park in the middle of the industrial area. See some images of it below.
Use at your own risk. |
I had to make a decision after reading this sing, should I go in or should I stay out, not to mention that the way through was the longer not the shorter one. But sticking my nose and ear in I felt it was safe so here I go.
A cool path to walk on, and seems secure as well. |
These nice spots in an industrial area helps the air, and the people working here too.
A tiny bridge. |
Some of the flowers from the park. |
A small bridge over some muddy creek. |
More flowers along the path. |
I think these bridges make the whole tiny park feel a lot bigger. |
Nicely done path. |
Animals there.. see them? |
There were many squirrels in the park as well. Running, jumping on the trees, hard to catch them on camera.
"No clue means you need to look into anything that is like a pipe, or anything that is not as it might not be a pipe after all."
Very dangerous looking park. :-) I "love" these signs.