Geocache: In the fence pole

Any place is a good one to hide a geocache. This one was part of a serie in the Netherlands, and during the search we were suspecting one to be in the hole on the top of a pole which was part of the fence... and there you go there was a hide just as we hoped for. The geocache with some real plants in the hole. I keep on thinking how these holes form? Are they man made? If yes, for what to help the pole to rot from the inside, but what is that good for? If no, then who took the parts out? Maybe one day I will learn the answer till that I keep on geocachnig and try to find more of these easy ones and some harder ones as well. A closeer picture of the container with the land the fence was guarding. I like to interact with animals, so when I'm geocaching in such environment I'm always hoping to have animals on the other side of the geocache, maybe some cows, or some sheeps or at least a horse, there is always at least one which is curious and would come closer and l...