When it comes to urban caches they are mostly tricky but there are a few hides that are typical; this is one of them.
Hiding under the drain cover |
As we were walking towards the coordinates we spot it really fast. We were reading the logs and the last was a DNF which always makes me worry, and then we still go for these cases, I know it helps me with my own geocaches when someone logs a DNF and a few days later someone reports it is stil there. I always encourage everyone to log the DNFs so the geocachers travelling through and trying to log as many as they can or have a short time and time for a single geocache can immediately know not to bother it could be missing.
So what does it have to do with the trees? This geocache is part of a serie which are placed to mark different mostly huge trees in a closeby town. Really a nice serie, we found a few of them already and slowly we'll try to find all of them. Take a look at the tree this one was placed next to.
The big tree in the middle of town |
I know it is just the beginning of the spring and such no leaves on the tree yet, but come on we do geocaching even when the weather is not the best.
Another remark for all beginners; when you find a geocache with a wet logbook, please DO mention it in the log that the logbook is wet. This had a wet one, a really wet one. We are prepared for these situations already, we always have different pens to be able to sign such a logbook. At this one we were lucky as the notebook that was the logbook could be opened safely even when it was wet and then we could sign it without an issue, still I reported in the log.
Where coul it be? |
Finally here is another picture while the container itself is not visible. When we aproached I was wondering if it will be in that pipe, but as I got closer the blue top of the container was visible through the holes on that cover.
Many thanks for this hide a good stop on our regular day in the sprinkling rain.
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