Back when I was a child I always enjoyed reading; nowadays? there are so many other things to do and working mostly behind a screen my eyes are just not into reading. But finding a geocache, especially in a mini library, now that is what I enjoy. Here is the latest we found.
The library that is free |
Mini libraries are common in some countries, in others they could be just shame on the bad people who would ruin them. I was recently travelling back from Hungary to the Netherlands with a mini bus service and at one stop waiting for the filling station to open I saw there is a geocache I can walk to while we wait for openings time. I walked there, it was dark, and while walking in the cold I started reading the details to get ready. That was a mini library in a frontyard, in Germany. I was excited, but when I arrived to the coordinates I had to realize that at this time of the day it might not be the best idea to walk on their property and start searching. I was a bit disappointed, but come on, there will be another one later, I told to myself.
A few days after I was back we went to drop off a big bug and then let's also get a smiley on the map we headed to this geocache. A 'mini bieb' as they call it here in the Netherlands, a mini library, I knew there will be another one shortly.
Do you see the geocache? |
Zoom in if you cannot find it immediately, but it is there. This time an old VHS casette case was converted into the container. I prefer this to when they cut the inside of a book to make that a container.
On the wall of the shelter in the backyard |
Mini libraries are placed at all different locations around privary houses, and sometimes even at city owned properties, we have one at the shopping mall close by oeprated by the community center. So when it comes to the location, I prefer when it is placed at a location where you can silently do your log book activity swap items/TBs as you wish. I love to chit chat about geocaching, but not every day, on those day it is best to find these outside where it is more quiet.
Many thanks for the librarian geocacher for placing this geocache out there for all of us to have fun.
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