Logbook: 3.5 x 2 cm for micros

When it comes to the smaller caches most people find them boring after a while, so I was thinking why not make it a more memorable to find. First I just created sheets; small sheets and used a stapler to keep them together. Yes, this I could have ordered somewhere, so let's add some to it, so I added the instructions on the first few pages, did not do it double sided as with some printers at this size that could not be the best outcome. Ok, now we have some text printed in the logbook, so I decided not just staple them but to saw them, here you go:

Some pictures to show how the pages look like inside:

So the tools and materials you need for this one:
  • Paper to cut into small sheets, and of course print the text on some of them, but please try to do it before you cut, saves tons of headache.
  • Some really strong thread, I use some polyester, that is strong for sure.
  • A needle, this should also be strong as you need to push it through the holes you'll prepare.
  • A tiny drill, I currently use a 0.5mm, tried 0.3mm as well, but they are both too small, I'm waiting for my 0.8mm and 1mm to arrive soon, that would make the sawing a lot more easy. I use a hand drill not an electrical one, it is more fun, but of course you could use an motorized one as you prefer. Here is an image of what I use:


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