Geocahce: pill capsule
Pill capsules come in all different shape, size and color. They are originally designed to hold pills and be on your keyring. As they are designed for pills they are waterproof, so ideal to convert to geocaches.
I use them all over the places, they can be hanging on a fishing line into a trafic sign's pipe. They can be camouflaged to be in a tree, or between rocks, or anything. Just be creative with them.
Due to their sizes the most common is to have log rolls in them, if you plan to put a small pen/pencil in the log will be a lot shorter, so you'll need to maintain more often.
Some more ideas on how to camouflage them:
The one in the middle is just covered in camouflaging tape, which is available in different colors for different areas, mostly used by hunters and hiker.
I also used stone paint to cover some of them just as an experiment, no need to worry about the twistline and the rubber, over time they will loose some paint anyways. Not to mention muggles do not really spot them if placed into some good neighbourhood. An example of using a stone paint:
I have many spiders as I could order them in packages of 20, here is one usage of them:
They are by default not magnetic, but you can easily glue a magnet on the side or on the bottom to make them stick on iron.
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