Geocache: PET preform, petling
In many countries PET preforms; also called petlings are a really popular hiding material. They are strong, waterproof, durable. Small enough to easily hide at almost any place, and big enough to have an easy to handle log book or log roll.
Unfortunately many don't take the time to properly camouflage their cache. On this page I'll share some of my own way of hiding a petling.
Unfortunately many don't take the time to properly camouflage their cache. On this page I'll share some of my own way of hiding a petling.
With or as a plant or flower:
As you can see on the above picture this is two simple one and a non camouflaged petling. The middle is just some artificial grass piece glued on the cap of the petling, one of my early caches, not the most beautiful, but better then simply sticking a petling into a hole. The one on the right is a small plastic plant I found in one of the local cheap stores for a few cents, it was originally in a small cube shaped container, which I also converted into another cache (see below).
With or as an animal:
See the one in the middle? I foudn that sticky black mouse in one of the toy stores, it was really cool, however figuring out what glue to use took a bit of a time. I like hiding caches with animals included, that gives you a good reason for adding knowledge to your description on the given animal.
As an object or part of the environment:
On this picture below you see two ideas how to hide the petlings under some objects that could easily exists in our surrounding.The tube I put on the petlings are just plastic tube which I prefer to dig into the ground, this makes it easier for the cachers to hide them back where I originally put them.
The one on the top is used to be the small vase for the plant I also converted to a hide above. This is when you can use all parts of what you can find.
The one below is just a can of a coconat juice, but could be anything. The first time I came across this hiding method it took me a few minutes running in circles and did not expect to camouflage a cache with garbage, but there you go.
The one on the top is used to be the small vase for the plant I also converted to a hide above. This is when you can use all parts of what you can find.
The one below is just a can of a coconat juice, but could be anything. The first time I came across this hiding method it took me a few minutes running in circles and did not expect to camouflage a cache with garbage, but there you go.
Where can you find the materials:
- In online stores for geocachers.
- From other geocachers.
- Or look for companies in your neighbourhood who make plastic bottles, they use these to manufacture the bottles.
Animals, bug, plants:
- Local toy stores.
- Local cheap store which sell out anything, you need to regularly visit as their stock could change daily.
Plastic tube:
- Local stores for building material.
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