Logroll: for nano containers

When you hide a geocache you run into the question of what to put into your cache. Amongst many items there is one which is a must, a logbook. You can find ones online, order, pay, place in your cache. Yeah... that's easy... but if you want your cache to be more unique you can create your own logbook. It is always more fun for me to find a cache where the logbook also has something to remember. Another reason that could lead you to create your own logbooks is to keep your cost low on your hide;especially if you have many to maintain. Let me show you some of my logbook, how I made them and for some of them you can also download the template you can customize and print for yourself. Let's start with the smallest and go towards biggers. Nano cache logrolls: The nano caches you can buy starts with the small magnetic containers that has lots of potentials, they fit anywhere. The size of the logbook - let's call it a logroll - is 7mm wide and as it needs to be rolled u...