It is always fun to search for a geocache at locations where the view is just amazing. This time I was in Singapore for business. I had some time before I could start working and lucky for me there was a geocache at the beach walking distance from the warehouse.
Hiding in the tree |
I walked to the location and as you can see above it was not much search to find the geocache, just in the tree really visible. I was more surprised that it was still there. The only people I saw at that time of the day at the beach were the people cleaning the beach, collecting the rubbish from all over. I was also wondering why didn't they remove this as it is really just lays there.
The geocache container |
A tiny container but lots of fun to find it... or not? I do not mind to find geocaches easy, I also do not mind to put extra effort in finding a geocache. From country to country there are typical ways of hiding geocaches and of course each geocacher has his/her preferred way of hiding. I personally prefer the ones that are different from the others, that is also what I am trying to do myself.
The tree hiding the geocache |
Every country has its different trees. I love trees, they are so calm, they are never in a hurry to get anywhere, they are just standing around making it possible for us to breath. When there is a hide in a tree or at a tree I always enjoy the search. this type of tree I never see in Europe, so this was even more fun for me.
The big tree holding the tiny geocache |
Trees can grow really big, just like this one, or is it actually two trees? Sometimes it is hard to tell, but either case it looks nice. Other mornings when I spent time out on this beach I saw some cool birds around, but they never came close enough so I could make a good picture of them.
The tree with a cargoship in the background |
I was looking through my pictures I took that day and I did not find any with the water on it, so I picked this other picture with the huge cargoship in the background I took a few days later, the tree on the right side is the same tree.
A peaceful view |
This view above show how relaxed the morning was at the beach. Honestly, I never saw any bigger croud at this beach, it was nice, clean and relaxing here still noone down here. The only people passing by were on the way to their work for sure, and only one or two persons just jogging. Is it like you get bored with it? I probably won't ever know as I cannot visit this place too often, once a year or less.
Many thanks for this geocache, gave me the opportunity to sit around and relax before the stress at work every day.
Let me share some other fun with you. I love good coffee and I am always ready to try some new anywhere around the planet. In Singapore they have a special way of serving coffee. They put it into a plastic bag you can carry in your hand. It looks funny and also not sure every workplace have hangers you can hang them on before you drink it. Here is a picture to show what I mean.
Coffee in a bag |
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