Geocache: Before work at the beach

It is always fun to search for a geocache at locations where the view is just amazing. This time I was in Singapore for business. I had some time before I could start working and lucky for me there was a geocache at the beach walking distance from the warehouse. Hiding in the tree I walked to the location and as you can see above it was not much search to find the geocache, just in the tree really visible. I was more surprised that it was still there. The only people I saw at that time of the day at the beach were the people cleaning the beach, collecting the rubbish from all over. I was also wondering why didn't they remove this as it is really just lays there. The geocache container A tiny container but lots of fun to find it... or not? I do not mind to find geocaches easy, I also do not mind to put extra effort in finding a geocache. From country to country there are typical ways of hiding geocaches and of course each geocacher has his/her preferred way of hiding. I...