Who said geocaching cannot be dangerous? On my last trip to Hungary I decided to slowly find all geocaches in the area where I need to go every quarter. The geocaches are not located to close to each others and in many cases you need to drive more than ten minutes to find one. This one showed up on the map just recently and I was even hoping to get a FTF, but I was late for that.
The geocache hiding in the tree |
The location is at a memorial place for a huge battle in the Hungarian history. I was thinking on placing one geocache here as well, but as it is a bit further away from the place I lodge I decided I first place geocaches closer, and then one day I see it showing up... Cool, I was happy to see. Now let's get bck to the life danger I had to face.
Danger!!! |
In case you don't understand Hungarian the big sign says: "Accident hazard visit only on your own risk!" and the small sign on the right: "Life danger". I was not alone, we arrived, and facing these sign. Ok, now what? I knew the geocache is actually outside of the fence on the other end, but I never saw this place before and if I'm already here... why not? Ok I convinces my friend and told him just walk far from those crosses. And then we started to walk...
Wooden footpath ... rottening? |
After the first two steps my friend was trying to convince me to turn around and just go away. The woods used to make the footpath was rottening, some of them were in really bad condition, but we live only once so why skipping the chance of visiting the place? We kept on walking...
Entrance into the middle of the heap... |
Now this one was new, I never saw it from the car while passing by here, there is something in the middle of the heap. Of course I could not convince my friend to get inside he was so afraid after reading the small sign, but I'm sure it was due to the crosses and not this part, but who know...
Sacrificial altar??? |
Now what did I find in here? What is that big stone supposed to be? A sacrificial altar? Or just some absent minded artist's idea to put a rock there just to have one there? Either way I took a picture to share with you, comment your idea what it could be ...
The crosses on the heap... |
As you see all those crosses, made out of wood, and many of them needed already something to hold it in place, I guess this was considered the life danger and we just walked by them all around the place. I was looking for some description on what they are supposed to represent but I did not find anything, so let me think loud here... My ideas why these could be here:
- Someone had many extra crosses home and needed a place to put them.
- Some artist was drunk and could not set the crosses up straight.
- The workers who were sent to set it up did not like the original plan and placed all these crosses randomly at random angle.
- It is made as it looks today to represent the chaos during the battle.
- They were there standing straight but some mole came by and hit its head in the root of the crosses and they all got out of their position.
- A bus fully loaded with kids stopped by and before the teachers could tell them to be nice and just to walk around while they tell them where they are, they started to play around and this is how it ended up.
Any more ideas? Yes I do have many more just don't want to make you fall asleep or jump to some other place on the internet.... haha
The geocache out of its hideing place... |
Finding the geocache was not a big issue and I know there was a route to the hiding place without any life danger, but then I'm sure I would have ended up being muddy all over me jeans and shoes.
Isn't it fun to search for a geocache after a rain? On some muddy area? It is always fun to search for a geocache. Many thanks for this hide, I hope soon more show up so I'll have more to search for.
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