Some cities have a border trail, they are a kind of trails where they place the geocaches around a city's border. Now that itself is interesting, when you have a bigger city, but how about around a capital of a country. Now that is something, but believe or not it is well maintained after 6 years out in the wild. The trail has hundreds of geocaches along all different areas. Relax, I won't share each and every piece of them I find as that could be boring after a few finds, but I will show some of the hides in my blogposts.
Geocache in the tree... |
As many of the European trails this one also have a lots of pet preforms. I also use them to hide, but I prefer to enhance them a bit not just put them out there.
Some of the geocaches are mistery hides with easier like add this and that to the coord and you have the final and some with more difficult ways to get the final coords. They are placed on the map to follow the border of Budapest, but on areas where placing out the geocache is impossible, like in the middle of the airport's runway.
A nice tree to guard a geocache... |
I'm always looking for trees like this one above as they are a perfect location to hold a geocache. Unfortunately for me so far I found only one in the area I hide my geocaches. Yes, yes that is already holding a geocache.
The fence around the Budapest Airport... |
I already flew out and in to the Budapest Airport multiple times, at least 10 times this year but never before had a chance to look around the airport from outside the fence. I also did not know that so many people walk, cycle, ride a horse or drive around the airport. It is just like a huge playground, and it makes it a bit more fun to search for a geocache in the area. This geocache was easy to find, but not easy to start getting close to it, there was a couple walking sooooooo slow that I had to act like I'm waiting for an airplane to land to cover my presense there. Muggles are always there when you wish they were somewhere else. This part of the trail I expected to be deserted, no muggles, but I came across more of them here than in some of the urban areas I was geocaching on this day.
Many thanks for the geocachers who placed all those geocaches on this superlong trail, I am sure it will take me a few more trips to the area to finish the whole trail.
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