
Showing posts from February, 2017

Geocache: spider in the tree

This pill container I camouflaged to hide it in a tree.  Hiding in the tree The picture was taken after some time it spent out there and some already found it as well. Looks like the materials I used survived the weather as it was raining, freezing, snowing etc. Right after it was done. It took less than 30 minutes to prepare this cache, and a few rounds walking in the area where it was finally placed. Here is another picture out in its hiding place, this time during daytime. Hiding in there... daytime

Geocache: Under the skirt ...

If you ever go geocaching in the US you will almost sure find many of the under the skirt type of caches, they can come in all different shapes, and even sizes, but the on thing in common is they are hidden under the skirt. Let me share an example: A film box under the skirt... Just for those who do not know what the skirt really is here is an image when the cache is not visible but the skirt is, hiding the cace above: The skirt This hiding method is popular all across the US, and mostly in shopping areas' parking lots.

Geocache: Bird House #2

Another bird house we found, this one was on a longer trail I walked with my daughters first and with my wife next time. Really nice area. Obviously it was on the other side of the tree, not where you could come close. This next one was in Budapest on an island, no more help ... Was a bit higher, so not for short people.

Geocache: let's call it fencecache

When it comes to creativity some cache owners do not spare time and effort. We were searching for this one for some time and we almost gave up when we started to read anything that came in front of our eyes. Look what we found: It is in Ducth, but I guess you can still figure out ... This was a part of a series of caches in the Netherlands, most of them were similarly nicely done. I almost ran short on FAVO points as most of them deserved one. Since we found this cache we learned a lot about how to hide a cache in front of everyone's eyes and still make it invisible.

Geocache: utilities

Most beginners would just walk further and be shy to check, but is it common nowadays in the Netherlands to hide a cache in a 'pot' as they call it here, which looks just like where water, gas, etc utilities would be normally. I also managed to source one of these, but not yet hidden. See the big box in there? This is how it would look like when not opened. This one was close to a river, and it was a really windy day, freezing. As the size was big and the location is muggle safe there were a few travel bugs in there, we swapped some that day.

Geocache: Bird House

One of my favourite hides are bird houses. There are so many different ones out there, but still you can find uniqe ones. Bird house cache To get this one we had to walk through a nice area in the Netherlands. All the details are really nice, it is immediately visible that the owner put lots of efforts in creating this hide. Out of question this one got a favo from me.  I'm not sharing the cache name or code, but when you get there and find it you'll realize this one for sure.